10.1 - REVIEW - Load Page & Status Changes


The Load Page breaks down into sections. Each section contains different information, together making most of the important information available from the overview of the Load Page without expanding any of the sections. Inside each section of the Load profile are cards containing additional information. Below are the section descriptions as well as how to interact with the cards in each section. Below are the section descriptions as well as how to interact with the cards in each section


The information shown on the collapsed Details tab ribbon includes, in order, the load status, truckload capacity, origin and destination cities, pickup date, and drop off date. It should be noted that different options and information will be available depending on whether the load is a TL load or an LTL load.


Click Here to Learn more about the DETAILS section


All documents that pertain to this load will be kept here. This way you can come back to the load later and see any associated documents. There are a few documents that are automatically saved here – Signed Rate Confirmation, POD, Carrier Invoice, Customer Invoice are a few.


The Customer section gives you some details from the customer profile. This shows you who the load is for


The Carrier section show you who the carrier that is assigned on a load is. If the load is in  AVAILABLE status, you can click FREIGHT MATCHING and dispatch a tender to carriers who have run the lane for you before, or assign a carrier to the load here.


The accounting section is where the customer and carrier rates are held. If you need to update anything on a load from a pricing or “other cost” standpoint, this is where you do it. This is also where the accounting team/users will indicate checks and zero out the loads.

Check Calls

The  Check Call section allows you to have accountability for information about the load’s status. Check calls will have a name and timestamp and can be added by simply clicking the box next to the status.

If you need to create a note or problem note that goes along with a check call, you can click on one of those icons in the top bar of the  Details section. Certain check calls will also change the status of a load automatically. One example of this is when you click the “enroute” check call, the status changes to ENROUTE. Un-Loaded will change the status to DELIVERED.

10.1 Check Calls

Statuses Defined: Operations and Accounting

In EZ Loader TMS, everything revolves around statuses. The status that a load is in will tell you a lot about a load. Most statuses fall in one of two categories - Operational Statuses -or- Accounting Statuses

IMPORTANT! - Statuses can be changed in three ways:

  1. Manually changing the status in the Load Page > Details > Status section
  2. Checking off items in the "Check Call" section of a load will automatically progress the load through statuses.
  3. Statuses can be changed by automated actions in the background (only accounting statuses)

Operational Statuses

These statuses are used to move a load from the moment the load is built to delivery. When a load is moved to   Delivered status, the accounting processes of a load will begin. The statuses below are utilized by Sales and Operations teams.

  • Available - Load is build but does not have a carrier assigned
  • Committed - The load has been rewarded to you by the customer and is committed, but the load is not yet ready to work.
  • Assigned - A load in Assigned status means that the load has a carrier assigned.
  • Appointment - This status informs you that there is a carrier on the load and an appointment has been made for pickup
  • Dispatched - The driver is enroute to the pickup location.
  • On Site - Pickup - Driver has arrived at pickup location and is ready and waiting to load.
  • Picked-up - Load is on the truck
  • Enroute - The driver has left pickup location and is enroute to the next stop or destination.
  • On Site - Delivery - The load has arrived at the delivery location and is waiting to be unloaded
  • Delivered - The load has been delivered, driver has received POD and left the delivery location

CLICK HERE to see what happens after a load is Delivered.

If you are not a ADMIN or ACCOUNTING USER, you should ignore the rest of this section,

Accounting Statuses

  • Invoice Audit (Business & Business Pro Subscriptions only) - This is an automated status that occurs if one of two things have happened:
    • A carrier has completed the POD/Invoice Request Form that is sent when a load is delivered. For TL loads ONLY
    • Documents have been added to a load via Document Management or Uploading documents into a load page. For TL & LTL Loads
  • TONU - This signals to the accounting users that a Truck Order Not Used needs to be paid.
  • Received - This status is also automated and occurs only if the customer is set up with MANUAL INVOICING. This is the status that signals that a load is ready to be invoiced, but is waiting for someone to send the invoice via the Invoicing Page. These loads will show in the Customer Invoices Manual section in the Invoicing Page.
  • Invoice Pending (Business & Business Pro Subscriptions only) - This is an automated status that shows that the load has been process and is waiting to be automatically Invoiced. These loads will show in the Customer Invoices Pending section of the Invoicing Page and require no further action to invoice.
  • Invoiced - These loads have been invoiced, but you have not received payment from the customer or paid the carrier.
  • Paid - This status shows you that a customer has paid the invoice, but you have yet to pay the carrier. 
  • Voided - This load was not used or cancelled. 
  • Pending- This is a HOLD status. This means that you are waiting on something, this could be claim information or something else. This status is up to you how it is best used. 
  • Completed - This load has been finalized and completed. Customer Payment has been received and Carrier has been paid. Completed status is the final status of a load.
  • Missed Pickup - This load's pickup was missed.
  • Claims Filed - This means that this load is in the middle of the claims process.

Changing Statuses in EZ Loader TMS

There are several ways to change the status of a load in EZ Loader TMS, here are 4 ways to change the status of a load (or several):

1. Load Page > Details > Status Card 

The traditional way a load status is changed is in the load page under the "status" card in the details section

The status can be edited by clicking the Edit button  

10.1 Status Card

2. Load Page > Check Calls 

The   Check Call section allows you to have accountability for information about the load’s status. Check calls will have a name and timestamp and can be added by simply clicking the box next to the status.

If you need to create a note or problem note that goes along with a check call, you can click on one of those icons in the top bar of the   Details section. Certain check calls will also change the status of a load automatically. One example of this is when you click the “enroute” check call, the status changes to ENROUTE. Un-Loaded will change the status to DELIVERED.

3. Load List - Edit Function 

In the Load List (found by clicking "Loads" in the main menu and then searching) click the edit button at the top right to open the edit function of the Load List

Once EDIT MODE is live, click the status of a load to change the status

4. Bulk Update Status 

In the Load List EDIT MODE you can update multiple loads to a certain status at one time:

Change the status as needed

BONUS - with our Business and Business Pro tiers there are automations that will change some statuses for you!

If you subscribe to a Starter subscription, EZ Loader's basic package, click the following link to continue to Section 10.2 After a TL Load is "Delivered" (Starter Subscription)

If you subscribe to a Business or Business Pro subscription, EZ Loader's basic package, click the following link to continue to Section 10.3 After a TL Load is "Delivered" (Business & Business Pro Subscriptions)

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