11.4 REVIEW - Load Page and Invoicing

Load Page & Invoicing

After you have uploaded your specific required documents into a load profile (ex: Proof of Delivery document / Carrier Invoice, etc,) as described in the previous Section 11.2 and you have created a Customer invoice as described in the previous Section 11.3, let's take a moment to review the Accounting section of a Load profile.

Below you'll find a walkthrough visually confirming the Carrier Invoice has been recorded in the Load profile and the Customer Invoice has been generated in the Load profile.

Load Page Accounting section overview

     1. Within the Load profile, click the Accounting section to expand the section.

     2. In the Customer card of the Accounting section, a Customer Invoice Date has been input as a result of the creation of a Customer invoice as described in the previous Section 11.3 Creating Customer Invoices.

          NOTE:  If you utilize EZ Loader's Quickbooks Sync, the Customer Invoice Date will trigger a Customer Invoice to sync and generate a Customer Invoice in Quickbooks.

     3. In the Carrier card of the Accounting section, a Carrier Invoice # has been entered as described in the previous Section 11.2 Uploading Documents for Invoicing.

     4. The Carrier Invoice Received Date has been entered as described in the previous Section 11.2 Uploading Documents for Invoicing

          NOTE:  If you utilize EZ Loader's Quickbooks Sync, entering the Carrier Invoice # and Invoice Received Date will trigger a Carrier Invoice to sync and generate a Vendor Invoice in Quickbooks.

     5. The Carrier Invoice Due Date has been automatically generated.

          NOTE: If a Payee has been entered into the Accounting Details section of a Carrier profile and Pay Days have been entered, the Due Date will calculate based on the Carrier profile's Pay Days. This can be accessed by going to the Carrier profile > Accouting Details > edit the Payee card > enter Pay Days

01 Load Page Accounting

In Summary:

Customer Invoice Date > Is generated by the creation of a Customer Invoice

Carrier Invoice # - Is manually input after uploading a Carrier Invoice document type into the Load profile

Carrier Invoice Received Date - Is manually input after uploading a Carrier Invoice document type into the Load profile

If you utilize EZ Loader's Quickbooks Sync, entering the three items stated above will trigger a Customer Invoice and a Carrier Invoice to sync and generate a Vendor Bill and Customer Invoice in Quickbooks. More Information regarding EZ Loader's Quickbooks sync can be found in Chapter 12 Quickbooks Sync Integration

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