How to Display Available Loads on Your Website

Display your available Loads list on your website

Utilizing HTML iframes, EZ Loader now has the ability for you to display a list of your loads that are in either available or Loadboard status on an external website.

Example: Click here to view a sample site


Step 1: Get with your web developer, or whoever handles your website and is familiar with HTML iframes.

Step 2: Within your EZ Loader account, navigate to settings by clicking your initial in the top right > settings and documents

Step 2.1: Towards the bottom of the "Company information & Defaults" window you will see a text box containing a string of HTML code. Select the "Copy Code" Icon next to the text box.

Step 3: Enter the copied code into your website developer tool. Example of what this might look like below.

***Please Note: You may have to adjust the height within the HTML to make the iframe look correct on your website*** 


EZ Loader will port over the following information for any loads within your EZ Loader account that is in either Available  or Loadboard status:

  • Load #
  • Pickup
  • PU Date
  • PU Time
  • Number of Stops
  • Drop Off Date
  • Drop Off Time
  • Equipment Type
  • Weight

If any changes are made to a load within EZ Loader the updates will instantly reflect on your external website

Whenever a load is moved to any status other than Available or Loadboard within EZ Loader, that load will automatically be removed from the external website list.

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