2.3 - Load Search

2.3 - Load Search & Load List

Quick Search 

The Quick load search bar (located at the top of the Load List page) gives you the ability to quickly search for loads by a number of different categories.

  • Load # (BOL, PO, PRO)
  • Stop # (Pick Up, Delivery)
  • Reference Numbers
  • Date
  • Status
  • Location
  • Date

Advanced Load Search

The Advanced Load Search allows you to pull a list of loads based on a combination of multiple search criteria. Many users run status and date combinations to pull up a list of loads for tracking. Examples would include loads picking up today (Assigned) or load delivering today (en route). Other examples would be customer load history, lane rate history, or searching of certain reference numbers. 

***Helpful Hint: Selecting the blue search icon at the bottom of the advanced load search window when no search criteria is entered will return a list of all loads.***

Loads List Page

After searching through either the Quick or Advanced load search options, a list of loads will display based on your search criteria. 

Navigating the Load List

You will notice a number of different load attributes displayed as column heads. You may edit which load attributes display by selecting the "grid edit" Icon. Additionally you may click on one of the column headers to sort loads in either ascending or descending order based on the column header you selected.

On the Loads List page you will also see the option to export the search results as an Excel file or print / save to PDF. (Note: The excel option is only available to Admin or Accounting level users)

Selecting the "pop out" Icon next to the load number will open that load profile in a new tab. EZ Loader TMS also allows you to keep multiple load lists in one tab. 

Note: There are a number of different preset views with default attributes based around the different roles a user may have. (Ex. Accounting). These presets can also be edited using the "grid edit" icon. Data displayed is based on the most popular data fields viewed based on each user role. 

Bulk Status Update

You may update the status of multiple loads at once by selecting the checkbox next to the loads you would like to update > selecting the "bulk status change" Icon > entering which status the selected loads will change to. 

Change Date & Time

You can click on the pickup or drop off date (or the empty underlined space if no current date entered) to update or assign a date and time right in the loads list page.

Clicking a date will open the "Change date & time" popup

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