2.4 - Task Queue

2.4 - Task Queue

Tasks are a great way to keep a running "To-Do" list with details, references, and reminders all built in to EZ Loader TMS.

All tasks can be found in the Task Queue located under the CRM tab listed in the main menu along the left side of your screen.

You will also find all tasks associated with a particular "reference" in the tasks section of that references profile.  Below you will see an example of all tasks within a particular carriers profile.

Adding a Task

There are three main ways to add a new task:

1.From the Command Center [+], located at the top of your screen

2. Add directly into any profile page (such as a load profile) in the "Tasks" section

3. Within the "Task Queue" (Located in the main menu > CRM > Tasks)

New Task Wizard

No matter how you add the task into EZ Loader, you will enter the "New Task Wizard" where you will enter the details of your task.

*Please note: Items in red text are required fields*

1 - Reference) There are 4 references that you can associate with the task or create a generic task by leaving this field blank. Each reference will open up additional criteria in the "New Task Wizard".

  • Carrier
  • Customer
  • Load
  • Prospect

2 - Due Date/Due Time) The day and time of day the task becomes "Due". Once a task becomes "Due" it will appear in red text within the Task Queue, additionally there will be an overdue task icon in the top bar.

3 - Reminder) If you would like your task to appear in red in the task queue and receive an overdue task icon before the set due date+time, set a reminder window. "Due Time" - "Reminder Window" = Time notification will appear (see example below)

4 - Subject) Text entered here will appears in the details of the task and is listed under the "Subject" column in the task queue.

5 - Comments) Text entered here will appear in the details of the task when selected.

6 - Customer) When a reference type is selected (such as customer) you will enter a customer profile to associate with the task. The task will then appear in both the task queue and the customer profile that is associated with the task under the "task" section of the profile.

7 - Contact) When a reference type is selected (such as customer) you can associate a contact that is contained within that references profile with the task. In other words, if under customer "ABC" you had previously input a contact "Bob" within customer "ABC's" profile you would be able to enter "Bob" into the contact field of the task referenced to customer "ABC"

Adding a Task Through Note Reminders

When you create a note in a profile, such as a customer profile, you have the option to set a reminder date. This will automatically trigger the creation of a task in that profile with a due date = the reminder date set during the note creation.

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