3.5 - Customer Profile Overview

3.5 - Customer Profile Overview


The details section holds all of the customer information. Click the edit button to add or update any information within one of the cards.

Customer Info - This card contains the main customer contact information

Assigned & Default Sales Reps - A default GP Split % will determine how much of the Gross Profit will be allocated to a Sales Rep. The default sales rep and associated split will automatically apply to each load built for this customer.


Upload documents to a customers profile by selecting the + button > selecting the document type > browse and select the applicable file from your local storage.


Here is where you enter any of your contacts for the customer/company. If you had contacts in the profile when this customer was a prospect, those contacts will transfer over when they become a customer.

When you select a saved contact in a "contact name" field (available in certain processes such as building a load for a customer) the contacts saved information (email, phone, etc) will auto-populate.

Customer Locations

Customer Locations are the locations that you are shipping to or from for a customer. These locations can be added 3 ways:
1. Add by clicking the [+] button in the locations tab in the customer profile
2. Add by downloading the template and uploading a locations list (use the download and upload icons in the card header)
3. Saving a location from a load build (see below)

You can also create default locations for a customer

This will default the origin or destination stop when building a load for that customer.

Click the edit button on a location and check the "Default Origin" box (shown below) then click save

Customer Items

Customer Items are the items that you are shipping for a customer that have been saved or added. These items can be added 3 ways:

1. Add by clicking the [+] button in the items tab in the customer profile
2. Add by downloading the template and uploading a items list (use the download and upload icons in the card header)
3. Saving an items from a load build (see below)


The customer’s accounting information can be found under this section.

Credit and Terms

Set the customers credit limit, credit risk, terms, pricing, etc. 

Invoice Settings and Requirements

This section includes the settings for invoicing preferences and requirements.

Click Here for Video Tutorial on Invoice Settings and Requirements


Keep all of your customer's billing information in this section. The Email in this card is the email that the customer invoices will be sent to.

Payment History

This gives you an overview of the customer's payment history.

Click Here For Additional Info on Customer Account Settings


A basic breakdown of all invoices sent to a customer as well as their aging report

Load History

An overview (with links) to the loads that have been built for this customer. This also gives basic information like lane, date, profit and profit %

Quote History

Displays list of active and completed quotes for the customer.


The Notes section has 2 main functions: 

  1. Allow you to create default notes that are connected to other functions within the system and display by default. 
  2. Allow you to record notes that are a functionality of the CRM section of your account that create reminders to do something in your account.

1. Default Notes

Before you enter a Note, you are required to categorize the note with a note Type. There are 10 note types as referenced by the screenshot below. You'll find a description beside each type in the screenshot detailing how each Note Type functions within the TMS. Click the screenshot below to expand the screenshot to view.

3.4 Customer Notes Glossary

Below is a screenshot of a Customer profile with 2 notes categorized as a Phone note type. As seen in the screenshot above, these are notes taken during a phone call to remind you of what was discussed in the phone call.

2. Reminders

If you have chosen a Customer Note / Email / Fax / or Phone Call note Type, you can enter a Reminder date into the Date box to create a Task, which is found in the Customer profile right below the Notes section.

Below is a screenshot of a Customer profile while entering a Phone Call type. The summary of the phone call has been entered into the Note section and a reminder is being set to create a Task. 

To create a Task from a Reminder, follow the steps below:

     1. Enter the date of the reminder

     2. Click Save

     3. Click on the Tasks section to expand

     4. A task has been created with a Due Date set from your Reminder date of 1/31/2021.

     5. If the task is due today or the task is overdue, the Task notification center will appear at the top right hand corner of your account.

3.4 Customer Profile Reminders


The tasks section allows you to create tasks and attach them to a customer profile. If a task is referenced to a particular customer it will show up in that customers profile under Tasks. 

Click the link below to learn more about that Tasks feature

Section 2.4 Task Queue

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