Removing Loads/Customers/Carriers

Removing Loads / Customers / Carriers

In EZ Loader TMS, there is no method to fully "Delete" or Remove records from the system. 

To effectively "Delete" or "Remove" a Customer / Carrier / Load, you must move the applicable record into a certain Status that essentially Voids the record from any further functionality and excludes from displaying within Reports. 

After the Customer / Carrier / Load has been moved to the applicable Status, you will need to filter your search criteria to exclude the particular Status so that any search results will not display the "Voided / Inactive" Customer / Carrier / Load.

"Voided / Deleted" Statuses:

  • Customer = Inactive
  • Carrier = Inactive
  • Load = Voided

Excluding a Status from Search Results:

In any of the Advanced Search menus (i.e. Customer, Carrier, Load Search), select the drop down box in the "Status" field and uncheck the box next to the statuses mentioned as seen above. 

"Deleting" a Customer

Navigate to the Customer's Profile > Details > Customer Info > Edit > Change status to "Inactive"

"Deleting" a Carrier

Navigate to the Carrier's Profile > Details > Carrier Info > Edit > Change status to "Inactive"

"Deleting" A Load

Navigate to the Load Profile > Details > Status > Edit > Change status to "Voided"

Note: Any Load in Voided status will not be reflected within your Dashboard and will not affect applicable Revenue and Cost reports within your account.

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