
What are EZ Loader Divisions?

With assistance and setup by EZ Loader's Support Team, your EZ Loader TMS account includes an option to create multiple Divisions within your account. When multiple Divisions are created, you can assign / organize your Sales Reps profiles into different Divisions, providing additional visibility within your Company Dashboard to view metrics segmented by Division.

Multiple Divisions provide the ability to:

Display custom Contact information on Carrier and Customer Rate Confirmation headers

*** NOTE: Multiple divisions may include the same contact information within the Carrier and Customer Rate Confirmation headers. You have the option to change the headers of each Division.***

Display Division Specific Metrics on the Company Dashboard page

Users with access to the Company Dashboard page will see Revenue, Cost, and Benchmark metrics displayed at both the Company level and Division level.

Filter Certain Reports on the Division Level

Users with access to all reports will be able to filter certain reports at the Division level. Examples include: Sales Summary and Load Volume Reports.

How to Create Divisions

To add divisions to your account:

Step 1: Contact support@ezloadertms.com and provide your Support Team with the following information for each Division. 

Step 2: Provide a list of the Sales Reps you would like to set under each Division. A Sales Rep can only be assigned to a single Division.

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