External Load Tracking Link

Each load has a unique tracking link that can be shared with third parties to give visibility to a loads progress.

How to Send a Tracking Link

Within the status card of a load profile you will see the unique Tracking ID. You can select the tracking ID to visit the tracking page or select the email icon to send the tracking link to a third party.

Third party recipient will receive an email containing a link similar to the one shown below:

How to setup automated tracking emails

Within a customer profile you can setup a contact to receive an automate tracking email when the load hits a certain status.

Tracking Page Overview

The Tracking page will display basic origin and destination information as well as the status of the load.

The search bar at the top will allow users to navigate to additional tracked loads.

The tracking bar will progress depending on the status of the load.

The Load Tracking Log will record certain load events such as check calls or tracking updates from tracking integrations such as Trucker Tools or Macropoint.

Origin, Destination and any tracking integration data will also display on the map.

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