Customer Credit Controls

There are two main Credit / Outstanding Invoice controls that will prevent certain users from building a new load for a customer that is in violation of the set limits.

Note: If you would like any of your credit settings or user permissions adjusted contact

Customer Credit Control

Every Customer has an outstanding credit limit set within the accounting section of the customer profile. Admin and users with the Credit Limit permission have the ability to adjust the set customer credit limit. No User Level has the ability to build or duplicate a load for a customer that has an outstanding credit balance over the set limit.

Note: Your EZ Loader support team can set a default credit limit that will be applied to any newly added customer.

Aged Invoice Control

There is an account wide control applied to every customer that will prevent a new load from being built or duplicated if that customer has an outstanding invoice aged over the set age limit regardless of the available credit.

Admin or users with the New Load Override permission group will receive a warning when trying to build a new load but can bypass the warning. Any other user level will be prevented from proceeding.

Contact if you want any of your credit limit controls or user permissions adjusted.

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