Entering Customer and Carrier Payments via Check Management

EZ Loader's Check Management page allows you to enter single or bulk payment entries into load profiles across your account when you have paid a Carrier and when a Customer has submitted payment(s) to you.

Navigate to Check Management by going to Accounting > Check Management in the left menu.

***NOTE: If your company is utilizing EZ Loader's Quickbooks Integration, this integration can pull Carrier payments and Customer payment receipts into a Load profile automatically. If this feature is activated within your Quickbooks integration, the Check Management section should not be used.

Single Check Entries

The single check entry window allows you to select a desired load profile and enter any type of payment entry. Select "save and close" or "save and new" to continue to enter multiple different entries.

Bulk Payment Entries

The Check Management page includes a template for bulk uploading both customer receipts or carrier payments.

Selecting one of these options provides a set of instructions to download the template and process your payment information.

Uploading the template populated with you payment data will take you to a data validation grid. This step will allow you to review and correct or exclude any errors.

All noted errors must be corrected or any entry can be excluded from the upload. Once all entries are corrected or excluded the file can be processed.

After processing, a results screen will display with details of the upload and the option to download a results report.

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