Radius Searching

The radius search field in the carrier and load search menus allows further refinement of search criteria, driving more specific results.

Radius in Carrier Search

The Radius Search page is broken into two main sections:

1) Carrier Info Search - Contains general search criteria such as a carrier's status or number of power units. The location fields (City/State/ZIP) look at the carrier's HeadQuarters (HQ) address which is found within the "Carrier Info" card within a Carriers Profile.

The Radius search within this section allows you to refine your search to look for a carrier with an HQ address within the defined Radius.

Example: Return list of carriers with 5+ Power Units that are Headquartered within 50 miles of Nashville, TN.

2) Lane Search - This option allows you to refine your Carrier Search results to include only carriers that have historically run a particular lane.

The radius search within this section is created around the origin and destination stop locations.

Example: Return a list of carriers who have historically run a lane with an origin within 50 miles of Nashville and a destination within 25 miles of Atlanta.

Note: The Carrier Info and Lane Search can be run in tandem.

Example: Return a list of Carriers with an HQ address within 100 miles of Nashville and who have run a historical lane with an origin within 25 miles of Nashville and a destination within 25 miles of Atlanta.

Results Page

The results page has a grid with a number of carrier data points:

  • Load History = Total Number of Historical Loads (regardless of search criteria)
  • Last Load = Date of last run load (regardless of search criteria)
  • Lane History = Total number of historical lanes that meet the lane search criteria
  • Last Lane = Date of last run load that meets the lane search criteria

The results page includes the ability to download the search results to Excel, as well as a map showing the search radiuses and selectable carrier HQ location pins.

Lane Search

The Radius fields on the lane search page allow you to refine your lane search criteria further within a certain distance of the origin and destination locations.

The results page displays any selected radius search criteria, allows you to edit the grid view, and allows you to download the search results.

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