DAT / Truckstop Load Posting Integration

DAT Power Integration - Setup

***NOTE: DAT requires a DAT Power subscription to utilize their Integration with EZ Loader TMS. Contact your DAT representative if you are not sure if you subscribe to DAT Power.***

1) Click your initials at the top right of your EZ Loader account

2) Select "SETTINGS"

EZ Loader Settings

3) Select the "PROFILE" Card

EZ Loader profile Card

4) Click the edit icon to open up the "User Profile" card.

User Profile

5) Enter your DAT Power username and Password. Click Save. (Note: your username will be an email address when you are a DAT Power level subscriber)

User Profile card

6) Email support@ezloadertms.com to state you have entered your DAT Power login inside of your EZ Loader account. Your EZ Loader Support Team will then be required to send an e-mail to DAT requesting DAT to activate your "DAT Power Connexion," thus "flipping the switch" to allow you to utilize the integration.

Truckstop.com Integration - Setup (Company Wide)

***NOTE: Truckstop requires a Pro subscription to utilize their Integration with EZ Loader TMS. Contact your Truckstop representative if you are not sure if you subscribe to Truckstop Pro.***

*** NOTE: Company wide setup will allow every user to post from a single TS account to the load board from within EZ Loader TMS. This will post under the TS account, with the sales rep's name and phone number in the "Notes" section of the posted load. 

View the video tutorial below to learn how to connect your integration, or follow the steps below:

1. Go to the Integrations page in your Settings (click your initials in the top right and choose SETTINGS)

2. Click the + sign under "API Portal Integrations" and select "truckstop.com" from the drop down. 

API Portal Integrations

3. Click on the red "truckstop.com icon" which will redirect you to an external login site

4. Enter your truckstop.com credentials and click "link account"

5. Clicking "Link Accounts" will automatically port the "Authorization Code" and "Refresh Token" back into EZ Loader. Select save and your Truckstop integration is good to go!

Truckstop.com Integration - Setup (Individual User)

***NOTE: Truckstop requires a Pro subscription to utilize their Integration with EZ Loader TMS. Contact your Truckstop representative if you are not sure if you subscribe to Truckstop Pro.***

*** NOTE: Individual User setup will allow multiple people in your company to have different TS accounts and post into the load board from within EZ Loader TMS. 

1. Go to the Profile page in your Settings (click your initials in the top right and choose SETTINGS)

2. Click on the red "truckstop.com icon" which will redirect you to an external login site

4. Enter your truckstop.com credentials and click "link account"

5. Clicking "Link Accounts" will automatically port the "Authorization Code" and "Refresh Token" back into EZ Loader. Just click save and your truckstop integration is good to go!

DAT/Truckstop - Functionality

Once your DAT/Truckstop integration setup is complete you will be able to post directly to the loadboards from within EZ Loader TMS.

You will now notice when you go to build a load through the new load wizard a DAT and Truckstop checkbox will be available to you in the carrier section which will allow you to select which loadboards you would like to post to.

Please see video below for additional functionality of your loadboard integration:

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