3.6 - Finding Your Customer Profiles

3.6 - Finding Your Customer Profiles

Navigate to the CRM > Customers page in the main menu bar on the left side of your screen:

This will take you to the customer search page where you can search different criteria to find your customer

Customer Search

The easiest way to search for a customer is to put their name in the top quick search bar on the customer search page:

Advanced Search

The advanced search box allows you to refine your customer search based on a number of different criteria.

Note: Selecting the blue search button in the Advance Search box (When no search criteria is entered into any of the advanced search fields) will return your entire list of customers.

Pro Tip - Put your name in the "Sales Rep" section and hit search to get a list of only your customers

Customer List

The customer list is the results of a customer search. This list gives you several quick view columns shown below. Click on the customer name to go into the customer profile

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