6.1 - Carrier Rate Confirmations - Digital & Manual

Digital Rate Confirmation Digital vs. Manual

Digital Rate Confirmation

EZ Loader TMS has a digital rate confirmation feature that utilizes E-Signatures and automatically uploads confirmation documents into a load profile upon completion.

There are two ways to send a digital rate confirmation:

Method 1)

When building a new load through the "New Load Wizard", if you assign a carrier on page 3 of the load build process, you have the option of sending a rate confirmation

Method 2)

Within a load profile, if a carrier is assigned to the load, you can bring up the "carrier rate confirmation send window" by selecting the "carrier rate confirmation" icon located under the documents section.

Selecting the blue "Send" Icon will email the following message to the address entered in the "Email to Address" field within the carrier rate confirmation send window.

When the recipient clicks the "Link to rate confirmation" hyperlink within the email message, they will be taken into the digital rate confirmation web form. Here they can review the applicable information and digitally sign the confirmation.

Once the rate confirmation is signed, 3 actions happen:

  1. PDF signed copy is sent to Dispatch/Carrier
  2. PDF signed copy is sent to you (sender)
  3. PDF signed copy is saved in LOAD PAGE > DOCUMENTS

Manual Rate Confirmation

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