7.2 - Load Page - Details Section

Load Page - Details Section

The details section of the load page contains the following information:
- Lane - Origin and Destination (with in between stops for multi-stop)
- Status - This section holds the status of the load as well as basic details including reference numbers
- Sales Reps - The sales rep 1 & 2 for the load
- Pickup Date - The date of pickup
- Volume - Volume Shipment status, Linear and Cubic Feet
- Freight Terms - Freight terms of the load
- Total Items - The breakdown of items for your load
- Notes - Manual and Automated notes about this load.

How to Edit Load Details

To edit anything in EZ Loader TMS you will click the edit icon and a modal for editing that section will pop up for change.

Changing Status

You can change the status of a load in 2 locations on the Load Page:
- In the STATUS card
- In the CHECK CALL section

Under the Status card, the load status can be seen. By default, the status will be set to available if a Carrier is not assigned when building the load.

The status can be edited by clicking the Edit button  

A Sales Rep User will manually edit the Status from Available through Delivered. Once a load is moved to Delivered status, the statuses following are controlled by an automated accounting and audit workflow.

The changes to the load and status history can be seen by clicking the History button in the Status card 

Changing Status - Check Call Section

In the Check Calls section of a load, when you check a check call, EZ Loader will prompt you to automatically change the status to those shown:

Adding Load Notes

In the LOAD PAGE - new notes are added in the DETAILS > NOTES section automatically when certain actions happen in a load. You can also put manual notes in a load by clicking the + button on the right.

Refreshing a Load

If you ever change something within a load and think that something should be updated. Click the refresh button in the top of the load page.

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