11.5 Entering Customer & Carrier Payments in a Load Profile

After you have generated your Customer Invoice and entered your Carrier Invoice # and Invoice Received Date, you're ready to record your Customer payment and record the payment of your Carrier bill.

Below you'll find a walkthrough describing how to record the receipt of your Customer Invoice and payment of your Carrier bill

*** If you utilize EZ Loader's Quickbooks Sync integration, the following tutorial described below will be automated for you! More Information regarding EZ Loader's Quickbooks sync can be found in Section  12.1 Quickbooks Sync Overview***

1. Applying a Customer Invoice Payment Receipt

1. In the Load profile, select the Accounting section header to expand the section

2. Click the " + " icon to add a Check (i.e. Payment)

01 Load Accounting Customer

3. Select the Check Type dropdown menu

4. Select Customer Receipt

02 Load Customer Rec

5. Enter the date of receipt of Customer receipt

6. Enter the Check #. If the payment was received via ACH or other, leave this box blank

7. Enter the receipt amount

8. OPTIONAL: Enter the payment fee

9. The applied amount will automatically input here.

10. Click Save

03 Load Customer Check

11. The Customer Receipt payment has been entered into the Load. It can be edited or deleted by selecting the icons to the right. Notice the Accounting header displays a Customer Balance of $0.00 and displays a green PAID icon.

05 Load Customer Check Complete

2. Applying a Carrier Invoice Payment

1. In the Load profile, select the Accounting section header to expand the section

2. Click the " + " icon to add a Check (i.e. Payment)

01 Load Carrier Check

3. Select the Check Type dropdown menu

4. Select Carrier Payment

02 Load Carrier Check

5. Enter the  date of receipt of Carrier payment

6. Enter the  Check #. If the payment was received via ACH or other, leave this box blank

7. Enter the receipt  amount

8. OPTIONAL: Enter the payment fee

9. The  applied amount will automatically input here.

10. Click Save

03 Load Carrier Check Box

11. The Customer Receipt payment has been entered into the Load. It can be edited or deleted by selecting the icons to the right. Notice the Accounting header displays a Customer Balance of $0.00 and displays a green PAID icon.

04 Load Carrier Payment

3. Completing a Load

1. If you have processed payment on ONE side of the load, either the Customer receipt or Carrier payment, change the Status of the Load to PAID, identifying that this load has been partially completed. The Status of a load can be changed in the load profile by selecting Details > editing the Status card > select PAID in the Status dropdown menu.

01 Load Paid Status

2. If you have processed both Customer receipt and Carrier payment within the Load, change the Status of the Load to COMPLETED, identifying that this load is now closed. The Status of a load can be changed in the load profile by selecting Details > editing the Status card > select COMPLETED in the Status dropdown menu.

3. Click Save. You've now closed the Load profile!

02 Load Completed Status

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