1.2 - Settings and Documents

The Settings & Documents section provides  Admin Users the ability to change Account settings and defaults and also upload or change documents for the company profile.

Admin Users can go  Settings > Settings & Documents to begin making changes:

Step 1 - Upload Your Company Documents:

1. Click your initials at the top right > click Settings

2. Click Settings & Documents

Upload/Edit Documents

The "Company Documents" section allows you to view and change the documents that are utilized throughout EZ Loader TMS:

1. Simply pick which document you would like to update, and click the "browse" button.

2. To view the currently uploaded document, click the link below the upload box.

Site Logo: Appears at the top of the side bar throughout the company profile (Note: file type must be .PNG)

Report Logo: Appears on different reports/documents such as rate confirmations (Note: file type must be .PNG)

Broker W-9, Authority, Insurance: Appears as a link within a  digital customer onboarding webform for your customer to view (Business and Business Pro Tiers only)

Customer Packet: Appears as a link within a  digital customer onboarding webform. Your customer will be required to view your customer packet before completing their onboarding form. (Business and Business Pro Tiers only)

Carrier Packet: Appears as a link within a  digital carrier onboarding webform. Your carrier will be required to view your carrier packet before completing their onboarding form. (Business and Business Pro Tiers only) (Video Guide for Digital Carrier Onboarding)

Below, a screenshot of the Digital Customer Onboarding webform is provided as a visual

Manual Carrier Packet: Attached to outgoing  manual carrier onboarding message (All Tiers) (Video Guide for Manual Carrier Onboarding)

Step 2 - Review Company Settings

The "Company Information & Defaults" section allows you to change details about your company that reflects throughout EZ Loader TMS.

Click the edit button to edit any of the information.

New Customer Email: When any user under a company profile adds a new customer, any email address that is entered into this field will receive a notification email alerting them that a new customer profile has been created. (separate multiple email addresses with a " ; ")

New Carrier Email: When any user under a company profile adds a new carrier, any email address that is entered into this field will receive a notification email alerting them that a new carrier profile has been created. (separate multiple email addresses with a " ; ")

Load Status Update Request Default CC: Whenever a user requests a load status update on a load and a carrier submits back a load status update, any emails entered into this box will receive a notification email that the load status has been updated and the email message will contain details of the update. (separate multiple email addresses with a " ; ")

Contact on Rate Con: Click Here for Help on Contact Info Displaying on Rate Cons

Load confirmation Footer: Appears towards the bottom of a carrier rate confirmation after rate confirmation is signed

Rate confirmation Terms: Appears towards the bottom of a carrier rate confirmation

Customer Confirmation Terms: Appear towards the bottom of a Customer rate confirmation

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