4.1 Adding a New Carrier

Adding a New Carrier

To add a new carrier into the your account, click the [+] Command Center and select New Carrier.

Fill in the applicable information and select either Save or Send Onboarding.

Pro Tip: EZ Loader TMS includes a database of Carriers that include at least 3 assets. Every Carrier is available within EZ Loader's database, but you should find your result. Begin by typing in the MC# or DOT# and the autofill will trigger as seen below. 

EZ Loader provides 2 methods to add a new Carrier: Send Onboarding or Save

Carrier OB Modal Buttons

Option 1 - Send Onboarding (Green Button)

The " Send Onboarding" button will trigger the Digital Carrier Onboarding Email campaign to be sent to the Carrier, as seen in the screenshot below:

Scenario 1 - Carrier Onboarding Successful:

  • When the Carrier receives the onboarding email (displayed above), they will click the link to be taken into the Carrier Onboarding Web form. Within the web form the Carrier will complete their onboarding information, upload Carrrier documents and input Billing information.
  • After the Send Onboarding option is selected, the Carrier's profile will be created within your account and the Carrier's status will be automatically set to "Onboarding Sent"
  • After the Carrier completes the Carrier Onboarding web form, all information from the web form and any uploaded documents will be added into the Carrier's profile within EZ Loader. 
  • At this point the status of the Carrier's profile will automatically change from "Onboarding Sent" to "Onboarding Signed". The user that sent the Carrier Onboarding e-mail will also receive a notification email alerting the user to complete the Carrier Onboarding process. Additionally, the carrier will receive a notification email that includes a signed copy of their Carrier Onboarding web form via PDF.

  • The final step to complete the Carrier Onboarding process requires the user to enter the Carrier's profile, review the Carrier's Payee information and Documents (this is the information the Carrier would have entered into the web form) for accuracy, enter the insurance information into the Details > Insurance & Certifications section of the profile and change the status of the Carrier from " Onboarding Signed" to "Active" (To change the carriers status, go to Details > Carrier Info, within the carriers profile)

Click Here for more information about Carrier profile requirements before adding a Carrier to a Load

Scenario 2 - Carrier Onboarding Failed:

If the Carrier does not complete onboarding a reminder email will be sent at the 1, 3, and 12 hour mark. If the carrier does not complete onboarding within 14 hours of the initial email, the carrier's profile will be automatically set to a status of " Onboarding Failed". The user who originally initiated the onboarding campaign will receive a notification that onboarding has failed. 

The user will have a number of options of how to proceed noted by links within the email above.

***Note: If a Carrier's profile status is in "Onboarding Failed," any previously sent links in their Onboarding e-mail will no longer work. A new Carrier Onboarding e-mail with a new link must be sent to onboard the carrier. See below***

To initiate a new  Digital Carrier Onboarding Email Campaign for a Carrier who failed to onboard, go into the carriers profile > Details > Carrier Info > Select the email Icon

To retrieve a list of all your failed to onboard carriers go to: CRM > Carriers > Adjust the "Carrier Status" field in the advanced search bar and only select "Onboarding Failed"

Option 2 - SAVE (Blue Button)

Selecting Save while building a Carrier will create the Carrier Profile without sending the Carrier Onboarding e-mail to the Carrier and automatically set the carriers status to " Active".

At this point you can either go in and manually add the required documents and set the necessary profile requirements ( Click Here for Article on Carrier Profile Requirements to be Active) OR you can trigger the Digital Carrier Onboarding Email campaign

To send or trigger the  Digital Carrier Onboarding Email campaign after you have previously selected Save while creating the Carrier profile, you will need to revert the status of the Carrier from "Active" to "Onboarding Sent". To change the Carrier's status enter the Carrier's profile, select > Details > Carrier Info.

Once the Carrier's status is in " Onboarding Sent," you will see the email icon appear in the Carrier Info section allowing you to send the Digital Carrier Onboarding Email campaign.

Carrier Profile Statuses

There are 6 statuses in which a carrier profile can be assigned. Below are the statuses and a description of each.

Active - This is an active carrier that can be assigned to a Load as long as the Carrier's Insurance information has been entered into the Carrier profile > Details > Insurance & Certifications card.

Inactive - This carrier cannot be used and cannot be put on a load until moved back to Active status

Do not use - This carrier has been put on your "do not use" list and has been "deleted" from your Carrier list

Onboarding Sent - This carrier has been sent a Carrier Onboarding e-mail containing a link to their Onboarding webform, but has not signed yet. This is also the status you will need to put the Carrier in if you need to re-send the Carrier Onboarding email

Onboarding Signed - This carrier has completed and e-signed the Carrier Onboarding webform. The Carrier profile is ready to be reviewed by the User, who will change the Carrier Status to Active 

Onboarding Failed - The Carrier failed to complete the onboarding webform.

Click the following link to continue to Section 4.1.a Understanding the Carrier Onboarding Webform

Click the following link to Go Back to the Training Academy

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