4.4 Searching for a Carrier

Searching for a Carrier

To Search for a carrier navigate to: CRM > Carrier

The horizontal bar at the top is called the Simple Search bar and it contains it's own Search button to the right. You can search for a carrier based on name, MC#, DOT#, city, insurance policy #, etc. 

The Advanced Search section resides below the Simple Search bar. This section can be used to filter down your search results based on additional parameters. When no criteria is entered into the advanced search window, your entire carrier list will be returned as search results.

Carrier profiles are labeled under 5 statuses:

Active - The Carrier profile is active.

Inactive - The Carrier profile is inactive and carrier cannot be assigned to a load. (Example: A carrier might be inactive due to expired insurance)

Do Not Use - The Carrier profile is inactive and carrier will no longer be used. (Example: A Carrier's safety record is unacceptable)

Onboarding Sent - The Carrier is in process of being set up and a Carrier Onboarding email has been  sent, but not completed. A carrier cannot be assigned to a load in this status.

Onboarding Signed - The Carrier is in process of being set up and has  signed their Carrier Agreement. The Carrier profile must now be toggled to Active. A carrier cannot be assigned to a load in this status.

See link below for more information on Carrier onboarding.

Click Here for Additional Info on Carrier Onboarding

Search results can be sorted in ascending and descending order by clicking on the column headers Name, Status Primary Contact, Phone, etc.

Clicking on the carrier name will take you to the Carrier Profile.

Click the following link to Section 5.1 Creating a Load

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