Customer & Carrier Data Upload

Customer and Carrier Data Upload

With the help of your EZ Loader support team you have the ability to mass upload a list of customers and/or carriers.

Step 1: Download the applicable Customer and/or Carrier upload template below.

Click Here to Download Customer Template

Click Here to Download Carrier Template

Step 2: View the video tutorials below that detail how to format your data within each template.

How to Prepare a Customer Upload Template

How to Prepare a Carrier Import Template

Step 3: Fill in the applicable information into the required fields (Noted in Red), and save the completed template to your computer. Each row in the excel template represents one Customer / Carrier profile record.

***Please Note: Required fields are noted in Red and optional fields are noted in Black

***Please Note: Each cell can only contain one piece of data. For example if you have multiple contacts for a certain customer only one contact may be entered into the upload form.

***Please note: Be careful when copy/pasting data from an external source that there are no accidental "spaces" entered into any of the cells. This will cause an error during upload.

***Please Note: On the Carrier Upload form either the MC# or DOT# is required

***Please Note: The country field must contain the abbreviation (United States = US , Canada = CA)

***Please Note: The "State" field must contain the abbreviation (ex. Tennessee = TN)

***Please Note: Only enter 10 numbers into the "phone" field (ex. 5555555555)

Step 4: Choose one of the upload options below and send the completed template to your EZ Loader team at and let them know which upload options you would like.

Option 1) Upload Carrier list and "Send Onboarding"

-This "Send Onboarding" will send a digital carrier onboarding webform to all of the added records at the time of upload. All uploaded carrier profiles will be set to "Onboarding Sent" status.

Click Here for More Information on Carrier Onboarding

Option 2) Upload Carrier list and "Save"

- The "Save" option at the time of upload will create all the carrier profiles and set their status to "Active". A carrier onboarding webform can still send manually sent later directly from the carrier profile.

***Please Note: Regardless of the chosen upload option additional carrier requirements will still need to be met to utilize a carrier on a load.

Click Here for Carrier Requirements

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