EZ Loader TMS Quick Start Guide

Welcome to EZ Loader TMS - Quick Start Guide

Welcome to EZ Loader TMS! This is your Quick Start Guide and will take you through everything you need to know to begin using your new EZ Loader TMS account.

Below we will take you through your training using text based and video training. Please complete all of the training in order. If you have a scheduled training session, please complete steps 1-6 before your live training session.


STEP 1 - Logging In & Navigating EZ Loader TMS

1a. This will show you how to get logged in and help you get set up and ready to use EZ Loader TMS.

1b. This section will show you how to get logged in and help you navigate the EZ Loader TMS interface.

STEP 2 - Statuses & Key Elements of EZ Loader TMS

In this section we will breakdown EZ Loader TMS - Statuses and what they mean. 

As well as a few other key things you need to know as you begin using EZ Loader

STEP 3 - CRM & Adding a New Customer

We will show you the different profiles in the CRM and most importantly how to build and set up a customer

STEP 4 - Building a Load

Learn how to build a load in our New Load Wizard and a few tricks to make things easier on yourself.

STEP 5 - Onboarding & Assigning a Carrier

Here we will go over onboarding a carrier, making sure their settings are correct, and then assigning them to the load you just built

STEP 6 - Processing a Load

We will show you the elements of a load page and how to process a load through DELIVERED status.

STEP 7 - Searching for a Load

We will show you the elements of a load page and how to process a load through DELIVERED status.

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