4.3 Carrier Profile Overview

Carrier Profile Overview

The carrier profile contains all information regarding a Carrier profile. 

See link below on how to search for a carrier profile.

Click Here for Article 4.4 - Searching for a Carrier

See link below for help on adding a new carrier.

Click Here for Article 4.1 - Adding a New Carrier


This section contains the Carrier Info, Status, and Insurance & Certifications. This is also where the Equipment Types are saved each time a Carrier runs a load for you (this feeds into EZ Freight Matching, a Business and Business Pro subscription feature)

Click Here to learn about EZ Freight Matching

Selecting the "Manual Carrier Packet" icon (far right icon in the Carrier Info header displayed in screenshot above) will pull up a box that gives you the option to send or print you manual Carrier Onboarding packet. The Carrier Packet will request important information like insurance details and the W9. 

Click Here for Full Article on Settings and Documents

Click Here for Help on Manual Carrier Onboarding

Click Here for Help on Digital Carrier Onboarding


Documents can be uploaded by clicking Add [+] , selecting the document type and choosing the file to upload. 

Documents can be downloaded and viewed by clicking on the name of the document. Documents can be deleted by selecting the trashcan icon.


Under the Contacts section, a list of contacts can be found. Contacts in the carrier profile will auto-fill in the New Load Wizard when you are adding a dispatcher or driver to a load.

Add a new contact by clicking the [+] button > filling in the applicable information > select "save".

Accounting Details

Details about the carrier’s payee can be found under the Accounting Details section. The payee’s information can be edited with the Edit button.

Load History

A listing of the carrier’s load history can be found under the Load History. Clicking on a load number will take you to the load page. The star rating is chosen in the load page when the load status is set to “delivered.” 


This section is where notes can be added for this carrier. Notes can be added by clicking the [+] button in the notes section.


The Accessorials section is for carriers who have accessorials that will be included in every load. This is also where you can add the carrier’s lanes that they run and their fuel surcharges that will be automatically added to all of their loads. 

This section also holds the Lanes and Equipment Types for that lane. 


The tasks sections allows you to create tasks and attach them to the carrier. Remind yourself to do a check call on a load or call for new insurance. 

Click Here for Additional Info on Tasks

Click the following link to continue to Section 4.4 Searching for a Carrier

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