11.1 Accounting Settings - Customer Profiles

Accounting Settings - Customer Profiles

Before you begin the "accounting processing" of your Load profiles within EZ Loader, you must first set up the Accounting section within each of your Customer profiles.

The Credit and Terms card, Invoice Settings and Requirements card, and Billing card of each Customer profile are integral components of the accounting process.

Below you'll find a walkthrough describing how to set up the Accounting section of your Customer profile

1. Credit and Terms

     1. A Credit Limit must be entered before a load can be built with a Customer. 

          *** NOTE: A default Credit Limit can be set within your EZ Loader account and applied to current and future Customer profile. E-mail support@ezloadertms.com to request a default Customer credit limit within your account ***

01 Customer Acccounting

     2. Credit Risk - Choose Low / Medium / High.

     3. Credit Limit (REQUIRED) - Must be entered before a load can be built with a Customer. When the limit is about to be exceeded or has been exceeded, a warning will appear in the Load Builder when trying to build a load with the Customer and prevent the load from being built.

     4. Net Terms - Will automatically calculate the Customer invoice due date in a load profile

     5. Pricing - Choose Contract or Spot Market. This setting is OPTIONAL

     6. Override Past Due Warning - If a credit limit has been exceeded, this will deactivate the warning and block that prevents the Load from being built. Accessible by Admin and Accounting users Only.

     7. Discount Terms - To add a discount to the Customer invoice, enter the pay days cutoff (ex: 5) 

     8. Discount % - To add a discount percentage if paid within a certain date, enter the percentage using decimals (ex: .02)

02 Customer Acct modal

2. Invoice Settings and Requirements

     1. Click the edit icon to open the card

03 Inv Set and Reqs

      2. Invoice Document Types - Select one or more of the types of Load Documents that you would like to include with the Customer invoice PDF when it is generated. If selected, any document that is uploaded into a Load profile as one of the selected types will be included with the Customer Invoice.

      3. Invoice Frequency - This setting is set to Manual by default. With Manual selected, you will press a particular button to create your Customer Invoice. If set to a particular frequency, EZ Loader will automatically create your Customer Invoice based on the particular frequency setting.

     4. Customer Invoice CC - Any e-mail address entered here will receive a copy of the Customer Invoice e-mail that is sent to the Customer.

     5. Batch Invoices Individually - When a Customer invoice "batch" is created, each invoice is batched Individually, and includes one load per Customer Invoice. 

     6. Batch Invoices Email Subject Includes POs - When a Customer invoice "batch" is created and e-mailed to the Customer, the e-mail Subject line will include the Load PO #.

     7. Batch Invoices Email Subject Includes Batch Number - When a Customer invoice "batch" is created containing multiple load Invoices, the e-mail Subject line will include the Batch Invoice #.

03 Inv Set and Reqs

      8. Require POD - Select this setting if you require a Proof of Delivery document to be uploaded into a Load profile before you create a Customer Invoice.

      9. Require Carrier Inv # - Select this setting if you require a Carrier Invoice Number to be entered into a Load profile before you create a Customer Invoice. Do not select this setting if you would like to be able to send a Customer Invoice to a Customer before you receive a Carrier Invoice Number.

      10. Require Carrier Invoice - Select this setting if you require a Carrier Invoice document to be entered into a Load profile before you create a Customer Invoice. Do not select this setting if you would like to be able to send a Customer Invoice to a Customer before you receive a Carrier Invoice document.

      11. Require Invoice Audit - This item is selected by Default. When selected, this setting will send a Load profile through to the Audit page within your EZ Loader account, allowing you to visually review the Load's supporting documents and Carrier and Customer rate information before Approving the Load for Customer Invoicing.

      12. Require No Doc for Invoice - Select this setting only if you do not require any supporting documents to be uploaded into a Load profile before you create a Customer Invoice.

04 Inv Audit

      13. Requirements & Preventions - If selected, each setting will trigger a notification within the Load and on the Audit page that prevent you from creating a Customer Invoice until the requirement or prevention is addressed.

05 Load Requirements

3. Billing

     1. A Customer invoice cannot be created if the billing information is missing.

07 Customer billing

     2. Copy from Customer - Select to automatically fill the information from the Customer info previously entered.

     3. Name - Will appear on the Customer invoice. *** If Quickbooks Sync integration is active, this Billing Name will sync to your Customer name in Quickbooks ***

     4. Factoring or A/P Email - Will automatically populate as the e-mail recipient when e-mailing a Customer invoice from EZ Loader. If you are using an integration with a Factoring company, you'll have the ability to enter your Factoring Comapany's Payee address here.

     5. Federal ID# - Enter the Customer's Federal ID #.

     6. Note - Will appear as an "Accounting Note" within the Invoicing section before creating a Customer invoice batch.

     7. Factor This Customer - This will appear if your Factoring Company integration is enabled. Select this setting if you desire to factor this particular Customer's invoices to your Factoring Company.

05 Cust Billing Modal

In Summary:

Before a Customer invoice can be created, the following Accounting settings must be complete:

  • Credit Limit
  • Invoice Document Types must be chosen
  • Batch Invoices Individually - On or Off
  • Billing Information entered

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